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Sample Packs IOD Morocco & Indigo Floral Paint Inlays


This is a sample pack of IOD Paint Inlays. In this sample pack you will receive 2 8x12 sheets. 1 is from the Indigo Floral Paint inlay and 1 is from the Morocco Paint Inlay. 
I have found that many customers are nervous about purchasing a paint inlay and feeling like they’ve wasted their money if it doesn’t go right, I can completely understand the feeling so I’ve created small sample packs so that you can get your feet wet and see if it’s a product that you would like to continue to use. There are two sheets in this package and I also offer another package that has four sheets in it from the Lattice Rose Paint Inlay. If you ever have any questions on how to use this product, feel free to send me a message at any time. I am happy to help.